Stratford Bard Weekly Editor 2003

Photo by Tristram DeRoma, Top row, left to right: Teachers Carolyn West, Mary Lynch and Michelle Marx., Bottom row, left to right: Paige Farrington, Teresa Starzecki, Tyler Huntley, Lauryn Navarro and Davina Przygoda.
“The tour really opened their eyes to what life was like during Stratford’s colonial period.” – Diane Matthews, Stratford Historical Society’s educational coordinator.

Art School painting for a good cause

Bard Editor
Ten years is a long time for an art school, so Carolyn West, owner of Stratford’s Little Red School of Art and Music decided to celebrate it in a unique way.
She said that she will be taking her students on a tour of Stratford’s historical sites, and have them paint what they see. Painting from photographs, she said, just isn’t going to cut it. “It’s important that they get the full dimensional view of what they’re painting,” she said. ” A flat photo just isn’t going to do. They also need to take in the sounds and smells to get a true feel, a true spirit of the place.”
She also said that by actually visiting a place the kids would get a better sense of the history of their hometown. Places they plan to visit include Lighthouse Park, Perry House and Town Hall.
West thought up the idea when she took her class on a field trip of Judson House, a colonial ‘mansion’ that was either built in 1723 or 1756, and was first owned by David Judson, captain of Stratford’s militia force.
Her students first toured the house this July and then came back the next day to draw and then paint it.
Diane Matthews, Stratford Historical Society’s education coordinator was impressed with the class of budding artists.
“They came back the next day ands sat out on the front lawn doing their sketches,” she said. It was very beautiful, just like having a little art colony. The tour really opened their eyes to what life was like during Stratford’s colonial period.
This September, you will be able to see their efforts, because West’s students will be exhibiting their work at Judson House. West said that the public would also be able to buy the student’s work too. Proceeds from the sale will go towards supporting the Judson House’s upkeep.
According to Matthews, the funds will go towards the cost of repairing the house’s roof.
“We would like to replace the roof, and add shingles from the correct time period to it”, said Matthews.
The exhibit will also coincide with the Historical Society’s “Early American Festival,” which will be Sept. 20.
The Little Red School is currently looking for teachers for the Fall semester, if interested, call 375-0692 for more information about that and class times. The school also has a Website at
For more information about the Stratford Historical Society’s programs and services, call 378-0630., or click here to visit their website

The Little Red School of Art & Music